Saturday, September 10, 2011

an 'ugh' sort of day

Ugh.  I haven't had a day like this in a LONG while, but a bunch of little things have been adding up to make for a crummy day(and consequent sniffly mood).

First off, it's Saturday.  That means it's my weekly WW weigh-in day.  I was stoked to go in today because I had an AMAZING week.  I felt lighter, and with only 5.6 pounds to go until hitting the 50 lb. celebration, I thought for sure that I'd be weighing in two to three pounds less than last week.  Next week marks my one year anniversary of joining weight watchers and I was really trying to get the 50 lb. charm for that date.

Yeah, so.  Not gonna happen.

I gained 2.4 pounds this week.



But, but . . . I had a GREAT week!  I was just so dumbfounded and so upset that I didn't even stay for the meeting.  I was just battling too many emotions at once.   Sure, I've gained before.  No big deal.  It's the lifestyle that matters.  But this was just a huge let-down for me.

So, I got in the car, held back some tears, and decided to hit up the library.  I had a few dvds to return and I'd figured that I'd pick up season six of Road to Avonlea.  Got everything, walked down to the  circulation desk, knew that I had a small fine from returning Avonlea's season five two days late, asked about the fine, and found out that I had a $6.30 fine due because I forgot to return one of Evelyn's videos last week.  So, a dollar a day really adds up.  Ugh.  $6.30 for being foolish and forgetting to return things.  Not a big deal but after my weigh-in, I was really upset with myself.

So then I decided to treat myself to a low-point treat to maybe pick up my mood.  I drove over to one of my favorite non-chain coffee shops and ordered a medium chai frappe (which with skim milk and no whipped cream is only 4 points).  The lovely woman made my frappe, I headed out the door, took a sip and found that she had made the wrong chai beverage.  I walked back in.  There weren't any other customers so I went up to the woman behind the counter and politely explained that I wasn't sure that she made what I had ordered.  I even prefaced it with, "I really don't want to be a pain of a customer, but . . . "

Yeah.  She totally snapped at me, took my drink, poured it into a blender, added TONS of ice, blended it, put it back in my cup, and threw it back at me.  I graciously thanked her and took another sip to find that it had absolutely no flavor.  Oh well.  I retreated home with my watery chai beverage that I shelled out $5.55 for.  Bummer.

Got home.  Hurricanes Irene and Lee brought an abundance of rain and consequently, weeds decided to grow like crazy in our gardens.  I weeded for an hour which was actually an excellent way to release some of my frustrations.  After returning some lawn bags to the garage, I decided to take some time to begin organizing the garage (a project that Jon and I have been meaning to get to for two years now).  I found a box that contained a bunch of collectibles from my childhood bedroom.  Y'know . . . porcelein Disney figurines, decorative Peter Rabbit plates, things like that.  Evelyn is so into Mickey Mouse these days that I thought I could take some of the figurines out for her room.

Took the box out to our picnic table.  Noticed that a critter had chewed a tiny hole on one of the corners. Opened the box.  It smelled pretty badly.  Began unwrapping the contents of the box.  Eventually found a dead, decaying mouse.  Awesome.  I salvaged what I could (which Jon cleaned for me because I had had enough) and chucked the rest.  Ugh.  Silly me for not organizing sooner.

Now, my macbook pro from my school district isn't turning on.  About 40 minutes ago, I was panicking because I thought I had to make a DVD highlighting our VBS program from this summer.  Fortunately, I found out that someone else had already made one.  But still.

As I sit here reflecting on this crummy day, I am reminded how my misfortunes are nothing compared to what millions of people are experiencing right now.  Flooding in our region has been absolutely devastating.  Texans are dealing with frightful fires.  People across the world are living in war-zones.  Famine all over the world, especially Somalia, is causing many people to starve to death.  I am thankful for everything the Lord has given me and my family.  As I struggle with this rather bad day, I need to stop and pray for the people who struggle with much worse.

Thanks for putting up with my major vent session today and please remember to pray for all of those who are struggling in the world.

Peace and love,
